Town of Cheverly, MD
6401 Forest Road, Cheverly, MD 20785
ph: (301) 773-8360
January 12, 2017 Town Meeting
1/12/17 - 8:00 PM

8:00    1.  Call to Order

8:05    2.  Pledge of Allegiance

Holiday Decorating Contest Winners

8:15    3.  Agenda/Approval/Changes

8:18    4.  Minutes
                Town Meeting    12/8/16
8:20    5.  Police Report – Chief Robshaw
             Town Administrator Report

8:25    6.  Committee Reports
                Recreation Council
                Green Infrastructure Report
                Cheverly Day Committee
                Planning Board Report

8:30    7.  Citizen Input

8:35     8.  Presentation – Volunteers of America Chesapeake

9:10     9. Resolution R-1-17 Appointing Election Supervisor
            Resolution R-2-17 Appointing Election Judges
            Resolution R-3-17 Appointing Election Clerks

9:15   10.  a. Council Announcements
              b. Mayor Announcements and Worksession Agenda

9:30   11.  Adjournment

Decision Required: Whether to move to second reading.

Residential Re-Entry Center In Cheverly? Leaders
of the organization Volunteers of America Chesapeake
(VOAC), a faith based organization, based in
Lanham, Md attended the December 1st Town Council
Meeting to discuss their plans to locate 142 bed facility
in the Cheverly Industrial Park at 4701 Lydell
Road. They are responding to an RFP from the Federal
Bureau of Prisons to provide services to individuals
who are completing their sentences and re-entering

VOAC presented us a compelling argument that they
are a leader in providing these services and that there
is a need in Prince George’s County. The Council
was receptive and agreed on the need. VOAC is responding
to an RFP that outlines specific criteria for
the location which include: light industrial site, proximate
to transportation and medical facilities, not within
½ mile of a school. However, the council continues
to be concerned about the proposed location.

The Council’s concerns about the facility include: 1) This
type of use is not currently allowed in an I-1 zone and
would require a change in zoning or a zoning text
amendment (offered at the County Council level and
requiring no municipal approval), 2) This facility be
less than ¼ mile from the Cheverly Pool and Euclid
Park, 3) This type of facility does not fit within the
concept of the Cheverly Sector Plan that is currently
underway and 4) the planned pedestrian/bicycle path
that would cut from the pool to the industrial path
would pass directly past this facility.

VOAC is planning to attend the January 12th Council
Meeting to outline their plans. The Council hopes for
a large turnout that evening. So please make you calendars
for January 12th at 8:00PM.